Beyond The Walls Ministries International

Beyond The Walls Ministries International

14085091099 1315 Piedmont Road #33017 (mail) San Jose CA 95152

Beyond The Walls Ministries International

Prophetic Deliverance Ministry...Psalm 91


Vision Statement 

Beyond The Walls Ministries and BTW Worship & Deliverance Center International's aim is to partner with other pastors and ministries in order to release captives and benefit the church of Christ.

We have been born to demonstrate GOD's love by destroying satan's strongholds. These strongholds have grown against GOD's divine will, demonstrating its strength. However, his might is NOTHING IN COMPARISON TO GOD'S IMPACT ON THE LIVES OF HIS CHILDREN. Beyond The Walls Ministries and BTW Worship & Deliverance Center International seek to restore dignity, heal, nourish, love, and encourage the broken, oppressed and marginalized. Through case management and other forms of community networking, we provide clothing, temporary shelter, counseling, and life coaching to the homeless.

We have resigned to be GOD's hands, to serve; GOD's ears, to listen to HIS instruction; GOD's feet, to follow the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night; GOD's arms, to hold HIS people; and GOD's heart, to love ALL HE brings our way.